Training Guidelines

Registered by the Government of India, National Human Rights Organization is dedicated to promoting human rights among people through education, knowledge and awareness. We conduct trainings through workshops across India. Our training programmes intend to impart valuable knowledge regarding the birth rights of individuals, their implementation, and taking a stand against abuse.


Objective of the Training

The primary objective of human rights training provided by NHRO is the realization of birth rights. The participatory modules have been designed to strengthen the capacity of human beings in protecting their rights. Participants will acquire an in-depth understanding. If implemented effectively, this shall not only empower people but also help them take up responsibilities adhering to human rights standards.

This guideline is specifically for the trainers who need to conduct trainings adhering to NHRO’s guidelines and values.

Target Group for Training

NHRO aims to reach out to the people at large for spreading human rights culture. However, we primarily target the people who are vulnerable or exposed to violence.

  • Unions of corporate houses and governments
  • Students of school, college and universities
  • Teachers
  • Both working and non-working individuals
  • Professionals (both salaried and self-employed)
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Parents and guardian
  • Government
  • Employers and employees
Ideologies to Foster during Training

1. Trainers should ensure to create an environment that encourages exchange of views, ideas and opinions. They should aim to impart knowledge through organised efforts and with compassion.

2. Simply transferring of knowledge isn’t sufficient for participants to develop an appropriate behaviour based on human rights norms. It is essential to fine-tune the skills through practical application. Trainers must motivate individuals to exercise their rights appropriately whenever necessary.

3. Besides providing trainings, trainers should make an elaborate assessment of its impact. They need to identify the changes in various levels including organisations, individual participants and society at large.

4. Throughout a training programme, ensuring to reinforce positive attitudes while eradicating the negative ones is indispensible. Participants must develop their values and ideals basing on their human rights and promote further in their daily lives.

Stepwise Training Model

Creating a universal culture of human rights is a continual process, where ‘training’ poses a significant component. Hence, the approach should be strategic enough to make the communication effective. Below is a stepwise training model to proceed.

Step 1: Planning

The first phase involves proper planning after evaluating learning needs and the participants. This planning includes location, target audience, venue, timing, materials, budget, etc.

Step 2: Designing

Once you prepare a customized training plan, design its approach, tools requirements, objectives, goal and results.

Step 3: Delivery

With the necessary homework done, conduct the training program effortlessly.

Step 4: Following up

It doesn’t end there. Documenting the training performance and its impact is essential to decide the course ahead.

Program Structure

National Human Rights Organization conducts training program in two formats – long term and short term

• Long-term program

Our long-term program are usually of 30 days offered as internships. Individuals joining us as interns go through detailed knowledge-based education along with hand-on experience. They get to work as our core team members and volunteer during various events, workshops, etc. Such practical experiences shall awaken their conscience and develop positive behavioural attitude basing on human rights standards.

• Short-term program

NHRO organises short-term program of varying durations:

a. 1 or 2 hours’ duration – discussing the fundamentals of human rights.

b. 3 days duration – detailing 3 major rights.

c. 7 days duration – elaborating on other rights which citizens of India enjoy.

d. 15 days duration – further discusses the various human rights.

Participants are free to choose any schedule as per their convenience. Here, NHRO charges a nominal joining fee to make these exclusive programmes accessible to everyone. Once the course completes, individuals can also join us as permanent members.

As Adolf Hitler viewed, ‘the purpose of social service is not distributing favours but restoring rights.

We believe coming together is just the start to a bigger change. Working in tandem for a common vision shall bring success, even if in the long run.

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