Constitution of NHRO  


We, the members of National Human Rights Organization, do hereby collaborate to form this organisation for the common cause of humanity and universally promote human rights culture among the people at large, empower them to voice against violence, abuse and tyranny by creating awareness, sharing knowledge and imparting education on basic human rights.  


The name of this Charitable Public Trust is National Human Rights Organization (hereinafter ‘the organisation’, ‘NHRO’ and ‘Trust’), registered in 2017 under the Government of India Trusts Act, 1882. The organisation is also registered under NITI Aayog. It is currently headquartered in New Delhi and functions across various states in India.       


NHRO shall abide by and stay committed to the Constitution of India and its values, especially those mentioned in its preamble. This organisation specifically harbours the following aims and objectives: 

  1. All the activities carried out by NHRO are non-profitable and on ‘No-Profit-No-Loss’ basis.
  2. Every earning or property, whether immovable or movable, of this organisation are utilised solely for the purpose of fulfilling the aims and objectives of NHRO and establishing a culture of human rights.
  3. Work selflessly for encouraging people to respect their basic human rights and avoid any compromise with these birth rights for political or economic expediency.
  4. Assess the connections between and interdependence of human rights and ecological balance, democracy, harmony, pluralism, peace and development.
  5. Facilitate the provisions according to Articles 29(1), 29(2), 30(1), 30(2), 347, 350A, 350B of the Constitution of India for Minorities.
  6. Provide consultation services for educational institutions, profession institutions, educational societies, trainings of skill development, placement services, advance technology, scientific institutions and university.
  7. Promote languishing crafts, heritage of India and the artisans practicing the crafts a suitable market to generate revenue and uphold the art forms.
  8. Conduct / organise marriage assistance to adolescent girls, awareness camp, vaccination camp, eye camp, free health check-up centre, blood donation centres, etc.
  9. Put efforts to promote and develop women / children welfare, health awareness, environment protection, health education, etc. among the weaker sections of the urban and rural population, ensuring a free and better quality of life.
  10. Support victims of natural disasters like draught, fire, cyclone, flood, earthquake, etc. by providing them with relief materials, including clothes, food, medicine, water and other essentials.
  11. Promote culture and development by organising art show, audio & video show, antique show, film & television, dance events, lottery, charity premier show, fancy dress, handicraft exhibition and more.
  12. Take part in every emerging issue on the international and national front and conduct all lawful activities as conducive and incidental for the fulfilment of NHRO’s mission.
  13. Work to develop old, helpless, deprived, handicapped and poor people, women, widows and other vulnerable people residing in tribal, slum, rural and urban regions without any kind of discrimination. The development efforts are put in the fields of sanitation, education, cultural development, health improvement, unemployment and socio economic issues.
  14. Maintain and run orphanage and old age homes for orphanage children, helpless and differently abled people, providing them with medical facilities, food and other essential items.
  15. Conduct welfare activities in the fields of health and family, economical & financial development, human resource development, rural & urban development, agriculture development, allied industries development, empowerment, social justice, forest, environment, youth affairs, sports, information technology, science & technology, communication, medicine, etc.


  1. Educate the people that creating, cultivating and promoting a human rights culture are indispensable for a democratic state to function smoothly. Also, aware about the types of development needed for the society’s overall enhancement.
  2. Engage and collaborate with the government actively to promote education of human rights.
  3. Training the youth to face rising conflicts of loyalists to culture, religion, cast and region and also challenges thrown by pluralistic society.
  4. Impart education of human rights to create schemes and strategies needed to manage attitudes such as untouchability practice, bonded labour employment, sati practicing, etc. Aware through knowledge to help people adopt more egalitarian and humane approaches towards upholding human relations.
  5. Bring about social and attitudinal change among the authorities and management of stone crushing, glass, fire work and similar industries to abolish child labour in hazardous industries and activities.
  6. Work strategically to reduce or diminish, wherever possible, injustice, violence, exploitations and gender inequality.
  7. Stand against and provide necessary support in incidents of inter-social violation of human rights of the weak, vulnerable and poor sections by dominating authorities.
  8. Study, scrutinise and prepare detailed reports on incidents when human rights are violated by the state or state agencies, and inform regarding inconsistency of the criminal justice system and police with human rights ethics.
  9. Organise discussions, conferences, meetings, debates, seminars, statistics collection, tour trips, exhibition, study courses, shows and more.
  10. Publish journals, books, monographs, directories and encyclopaedias related to basic human rights.
  11. Make case studies on increasing killings in encounters, custodial deaths and several such issues with the aim to ensure that education of human rights caters to the needs of emerging structures of knowledge for imparting sensitivity and new skill among state power holders. The purpose is to bring more attitudinal change and responsiveness towards the ideals of democracy and human rights culture.
  12. For protection and promotion of human rights, study the treaties, texts, structures and arrangements for cold war’s impact on different institutions and human rights protection that the community innovated after world war.


The following constituents are included in NHRO: 

  1. National Executive Board
  2. State Committee Board
  3. District Committee Board
  4. General Membership
  5. Honorary Membership
  6. Donor Membership


  1. Any individual sharing similar respect towards human rights can become a general member of NHRO.
  2. A general member must be ready to serve the society by imparting knowledge and education without any kind of discrimination based on colour, creed, culture, religion, gender, etc.
  3. Any general member can become a district and state level committee member as per NHRO rules and regulations and by direct recommendations of National Committee.
  4. Individuals who have achieved outstanding milestones in performance, work, creativity, knowledge, service and others can join us as honorary members.
  5. Honorary members can attend meetings of the National Committee and share their invaluable views and opinions.
  6. Any institution, organisation or individual can willingly donate in cash or kind to drive the progress of our mission. The organisation cherishes such individuals by enrolling them as donor members.
  7. Individuals who possess unparalleled and proven excellence in diverse fields such as education, work, performance, knowledge, etc. can join NHRO as patrons and share their views for the organisation’s development.
  8. Individuals or institutions willing to become a member of NHRO should submit their applications to the secretary.
  9. Applications with incorrect information shall lead to the cancellation of membership requests. The right to accept, reject or hold any such application solely lies with the National Committee of NHRO.
  10. The organisation shall be working all over India.
  11. The Trust Funds and the Trust shall remain unalterable at all times.
  12. No part of the Trust income or property shall be utilised for charitable purposes only.
  13. The office of the Trust shall be constituted by 2/3rd majority, unless changed by the Trustees.


  1. The Settler-cum-President shall preside over and exercise his/her powers in the meetings of the organisation.
  2. He/she holds the power to call for an emergency meeting within a shorter period.
  3. His/her decision regarding a resolution shall be conclusive unless challenged and a poll is demanded. In case of poll, the Settler-cum-President shall have a casting vote.
  4. He/she acts as the convener of every meeting held in the organisation and any notice of meeting shall deem invalid without his/her signature. The duty to implement any resolution taken in meetings lies with the Settler-cum-President.
  5. He/she is responsible for appointing, terminating, suspending, making payment and deciding the salaries of employees working at this organisation.
  6. He/she enjoys complete liberty in spending for the fair interest of the trustees and carrying out other activities as conductive or incidental to the trustee attachment.
  7. He/she must maintain records of the fund he receives or/and pays on behalf of the trust.
  8. The Settler-cum-President is responsible for signing every letter, paper or document on NHRO’s behalf.
  9. He/she is liable to prepare Membership Register and proceeding register to document the minutes of the meetings and have those duly signed by every attending member of the meetings.
  10. He/she shall get the appointed auditor to audit the organisation’s account.
  11. The Trust’s expenditure must be placed before the Managing Committee for approval, and this responsibility lies with the Settler-cum-President of NHRO.
  12. He/she must keep the organisation’s funds under his/her care and management.
  13. The responsibility of account maintenance, including deposit and withdrawal of funds in the post office or bank account with due signatures of self or with other trustees, rests on the Settler-cum-President.


  1. Accept loans, donations, subscription, contribution, grants in cash or kind from any corporate body, association of person, trust and individual identity, with or without conditions.
  2. Implement any part of or whole trust fund, or income of the organisation for fulfilment of any of the objectives as the trustees may deem appropriate.
  3. Comprise, settle and adjust suits claims, proceedings or demands regarding Trust Fund.
  4. Modify, change, or omit rules, regulations, schemes and policies considering the benefits of NHRO’s objectives or better management of its functions.
  5. Establish, discontinue or restart any charitable institution keeping interest and benefit of the general public in mind. In addition, they can enforce necessary conditions to their donations or subscription.
  6. Help by donating to various charitable institutions from the income generated or Trust Fund of the organisation for starting, maintaining or carrying out different charitable aims and objectives.
  7. In case of any surplus of this Trust, invest the same in securities which have been permitted by the law related to Trusts according to IT Act 1961, or whatever the Trust may think benefit for its best interest.
  8. Merge or take over other Trust association, institution or Charitable Public Trust having similar values and objectives. NHRO can also acquire, manage, control, take over or help any institution(s) with same objectives, either partly or wholly, as this organisation.
  9. Trustees can determine if any money should be considered as income or capital for the purpose of charity and if any expenses are to be borne or paid from this income or capital, terms and conditions applied.
  10. The President/Founder/Settler bears complete liberty in selecting and appointing other trustees following certain terms and conditions.
  11. Trustees are accountable for only the fund which they receive in hand.
  12. The responsibility of creating agenda, rules and regulations of trustees meeting lies on the Trustees.
  13. In case of unavailability of any trustee, two-thirds of the trustees need to form a quorum for a trustees’ meeting.
  14. Trustees must decide all the matters with mutual consent of each other.
  15. Any resolution passed by the two-thirds of these trustees through circulation thereof and verified in writing shall be considered effectual and valid as a Resolution.


  1. Any type of misconduct, activities or violation of NHRO’s terms and conditions shall lead to the termination of the respective individual’s membership status.
  2. Every trustee has the right to drop their resignation either after providing a month’s notice or with immediate effect once the settler accepts.
  3. A trustee shall cease to hold the respective position if he/she doesn’t attend 3 trustees meetings consecutively or for 1 year, whichever is longer.
  4. If two-third of the other trustees or as near thereto as possible requests a trustee to resign, it shall lead to withdrawal of the latter’s membership.
  5. If any of the trustees is authorised to take charge and function as the Settler-cum-President, in the respective individual’s absence, the person taking charge shall not remain a trustee.
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