Short Term Internship Programme

As a leading advocate for human rights, the National Human Rights Organization offers internship programs designed to cultivate a deep understanding of human rights issues across various formats. Our internship initiatives encompass a range of short-term curriculums meticulously crafted to deliver comprehensive knowledge and insight into the realm of human rights. Our primary aim is to equip each participant with the necessary tools and understanding to effectively champion justice and uphold fundamental principles.

Different Formats of Short Term Internship Programmes
1) Single day programme for 1 – 2 hours

NHRO organises short internship schedules for 1 to 2 hours in a single day. Here, mentors discuss the fundamentals of human rights with some case studies. Interns shall gain a basic idea of what these rights are, who can exercise and their necessity in living a dignified life. They also get introduced to UDHR, human rights characteristics, etc.

2) 3-days internship programme

The next format includes a 3-days programme where interns learn 3 major concepts of human rights. These include the following:

a. On day 1, the concept of every human being born free and equal is discussed. This session shall elaborate what freedom and equality signify and their relevance today.

b. On day 2, interns are briefed on people’s rights to express their thoughts and opinions. They shall learn how free speech can aid in a country’s development.

c. On day 3, the right to life is elaborated with objectives, purpose and significance. Our mentors emphasise on the practical aspect of this human right.

3) A week-long internship schedule

Are you eager to understand human rights in more details? Well, join our internship programmes of 7 days. We provide trainings on 7 essential chapters in these 7 days. While the 1st three are same as our 3-day agenda, the remaining four subjects include:

a. Right to fair trial before the law is enjoyed by every accused. Interns shall get to know about the various principles of fair trial.

b. The next chapter encompasses right to freedom of movement. It is the basic right of every citizen to move within country without any restriction or formalities.

c. Another recent addition to the fundamental rights is the right to privacy. It allows a person to select his information or possessions specifically for public accessibility.

d. Living a life free from slavery or servitude is another human right. Training on this subject shall help you identify the violations and take necessary steps accordingly.

4) A 15-days programme for interns

NHRO’s 15 day internship agenda aims to cover additional rights that protect an individual against discrimination and unfair treatment. Similar to the other short-term programmes, this one comprises 15 subjects from this discipline. While the 1st seven are similar to those mentioned above, the remaining eight are as follows:

a. Human beings possess this inherent right to freedom against discrimination. No individual can be discriminated based on colour, caste, creed, religion, gender, nationality, education, origin, societal status, profession or other such factors.

b. Again, no person can be mentally or physically tortured and exposed to unfair treatment. This threatens their basic right to live with dignity.

c. An individual’s right to no unfair detainment protects him/her against random arrest, detention or exile. NHRO trains the interns to identify and voice against such breaches.

d. Human rights being universal can be enjoyed in every place of the world. No matter where you are staying or travelling, human rights are enforceable globally.

e. Next comes our right to equality before the court. Everyone deserves to be treated equally without any discrimination before the eyes of law.

f. It is the judiciary that protects human rights of individuals. Hence, we can approach the court against any kind of abuse or violation.

g. Independent beings are also entitled to the right to nationality. States should consider their human rights obligations when granting nationality.

h. No individual can be labelled as guilty unless proven before the court. It is one’s basic right to present evidence in self-defence.

NHRO through these internship programmes envisions a society where every human being is empowered and respects the birth rights. A spirit of brotherhood can eradicate violation, abuse, crime or corruption. While the journey is long, we can certainly take little steps ahead with you. This internship agenda has been designed to provide an overall knowledge of your human rights.

Join NHRO’s team as an intern against a nominal fee. If you have more queries, feel free to contact us today.


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